Friday, October 19, 2012

Weekly School Wrap-up (Week 5)

I. is now 4 yrs and almost 1 month old.
I. are acum 4 ani si 1 luna.

Our week, in pictures:
Iata o parte din activitatile din aceasta saptamana:

Autumn Theme (from Homeschool Creations, 2 Teaching Mommies and Creative Learning Fun)
Our theme for the week: Autumn with a touch of Halloween. We'll probably continue this theme over the next week, too. Here are some pictures: 

Placing a coin on the words that begin with 'P'
Counting and clipping
Counting and arranging bears by size
More counting!
And counting again!
Autumn themed books that we read this week: 

Reading - Phonics and Sight Words
We started successfully using the Pink Series that we purchased from the Montessori Print Shop. You can download a free document that is part of the series. And, if you're looking for something free, the Helpful Garden blog has an excellent Pink Series for free! We have used some of their printables, too. 

I've made more mini-books for her to read (details in this post) and also used the books we have to practice reading on. I pulled out the baby books that have only images and big words next to it and I would cover the image and let her sound out the word - then show her the image to check. She liked that - later she would cover the image herself and read the word.

As more reading practice - before naptime and bedtime, when I read to her - I stop at a word I know she would be able to decode and let her read it. I chose a few easy readers among other bed time books, so she can easily decode a word here and there. (We have the Barbie books from our friend Raluca, thank you so much for them, little girl loves them!)

I've also introduced sight words this week. I've taught her some sight words about 6 months ago, but since she wasn't yet able to read with phonics by herself at that time, I postponed it for a later time. Now, I've decided it's a good moment to reintroduce them.

In the box: 'You can read' printables from 1+1+1=1, our set of flashcards, easy readers.

And we played sort of a lotto game:

French Learning
We were so happy when we found the We're Going on a Bear Hunt book in French at the French Cultural Center's Library!! The other books are ours, I purchased them at the used books fair at the Cultural Center.

The green ones - such as Poucette - are from Eli Publishing, you can buy them from here- they are excellent for language learning - they have little text and also a few pages with words only, such as below. The books are available in several languages: English, French, Spanish etc. I highly recommend them! They also have a CD included with the story read-aloud.

Spanish Learning
We took a break from Spanish for the last couple of weeks, but a few days ago my daughter started to ask for Spanish again, so we listened to songs and watched a couple videos from our  Spanish Learning page.
Here's a short video of my little girl - she has lots of fun learning Spanish - I'm not pushing her by any means, it's her fourth language - she's the one asking to learn more!

The good news is that we were given access to a month of Speekee for review and we are very happy with it, so far. Lots of music, repetition and just lots of fun!

Fine Motor Activities

We tried mixing colors in a non-messy way this week and loved it.
And she made a bracelet - beads on a pipecleaner - she usually doesn't have the patience to complete it all, but this time she did!

Linking to:
Tot School

See Vanessa CraftClassified: Mom


  1. I'm a first time visitor. I love, love your bunny pins. They are adorable. My son is about the same age as your daughter, so I think I'll take a look around. Found you on TGIF.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, I'm off to check your blog, too!

  2. oau! imi plac mult activitatile de saptamana aceasta!
    spor la joaca si la invatat!

    1. Multumim frumos, si voua, mult spor si veselie!

  3. Imi plac tare mult activitatile de saptamana aceasta.
    Adina, micuta ta e geniala. Stie mai multe limbi straine ca mine!! Bravo si ei dar si tie! Sunt convinsa ca e o fetita mai mult decat inteligenta si performantele ei nu pot fi obtinute de orice copil. La fel pot spune si despre M. fetita Cameliei.

    1. Roxana, iti multumim mult - I. are intr-adevar o inclinatie catre limbile straine - ii place sa ajunga sa le inteleaga, sa poate vorbi la randul ei, etc.
      Iar Camelia & M. sunt deosebite, de acord cu tine!

  4. Ati avut o saptamana plina. Iar I. e intr-adevar exceptionala, imi place la nebunie seninatatea ei si usurinta cu care jongleaza cu limbile - era sa spun straine, dar ei nu-i sunt straine!

    Imi inchipui ca-i o provocare pentru voi sa-i puneti la dispozitie tot ce-i trebuie ca sa creasca frumos!

    Nu-i treaba mea, dar nu ma pot abtine sa nu intreb - pe cand o calatorie in Franta? :) Mi-o si inchipui cu rucsacelul ei in spate, conversand dezinvolta cu buchinistii!

    1. Calatoria in Franta e in plan pentru vara viitoare :) Si eu abia astept sa mergem, sa stii ca are un rucsacel super simpatic, cu Dora :)
      Ai dreptate, si eu am impresia ca nu-i sunt straine limbile :) parca le stie dintr-o alta viata si nu trebuie decat sa si le aminteasca :))
      Iar cu materialele, da, ai din nou dreptate. Mai ales cu spaniola ... e intr-adevar dificil sa-i gasesc materiale.

  5. Adina, sunteti minunate! I. imi topeste inima de cate ori o vad/aud, e fantastica! Va felicit din tot sufletul!

  6. Si mie imi place sa o aud vorbind mai multe limbi straine, deh, defect profesional :). E intr-adevar adorabila! Spor! O zi frumoasa!


  7. It looks like you guys had a great week!

  8. That Farm Babies would be ideal here at Coombe Mill for all our guests to read after a day out playing on the farm.

  9. Such great activities for your kiddos! Thanks so much for linking up to Tot School Tuesday!

  10. Hi from Greece! I have found your blog through Tuesday Tots and I liked all the activities you are doing with your kid! I am looking for new ideas on teaching words and I like your work. I have linked some printable stories and counting sheets about rain and fall that I have made in Greek that you can print and replace the Greek words with English. I think they would be great for your activities! I hope you like them!
