Friday, January 11, 2013

Goodnight Moon and More in Our Weekly School Wrap-Up

I. is now 4 years and 3 months old. / I. are acum 4 ani si 3 luni.

We have slowly started to do more structures learning activities .... and, because our good friend Andrea borrowed us some very good English books, we chose one of them - Goodnight Moon- and worked on the printables for it from Homeschool Creations.
Am inceput incet-incet sa reluam activitatile ... si pentru ca am primit imprumut cateva carti foarte frumoase de la Andrea (multumim!), am ales una dintre ele, Goodnight Moon - si am facut cateva activitati educative pe seama ei. Am luat pachetul de printables Goodnight Moon de la Homeschool Creations.

Goodnight Moon book and printables
Choosing the correct beginning sounds
You can view the animated book video on Youtube:
Cartea animata o gasiti pe Youtube, este foarte potrivita si pentru copiii care invata engleza, vocabularul e simplu si repetitiv:

Am reluat activitatile de citire. Ca o recapitulare, am folosit unul din seturile de Pink Series de la The Helpful Garden.
We started back to practice reading again. As a review, we used one set from the Pink Series from the The Helpful Garden.

Then we went ahead and read words from the Blue Series. I. is doing much better now reading phonetically 4 and 5-letter words.
Si pentru ca I. citeste bine cuvintele de 3 litere, am mers mai departe cu Blue Series, adica cuvinte de 4-5 litere. S-a descurcat bine si cu ele. 

We also played a word families game, using the free printables from Playdough to Plato that we downloaded from the Teachers Pay Teachers store.
O alta activitate de citire cu familii de cuvinte, gratuita de la Playdough to Plato, de pe Teachers Pay Teachers.

We continued our Bible lessons and, besides reading every day, we worked with materials that we have from our friend Raluca. Little I. loved the big floor puzzle with Jonas and chose to complete it several times.
Am citit din cartile noastre despre Iona si am lucrat cu materialele primite de la Raluca. I-nei i-a placut mult puzzle-ul de podea cu Iona si l-a facut de multe ori.

One day I've tried a new recipe of home-made playdough from The Imagination Tree and it was a huge hit!
Am facut plastilina de casa dupa o reteta de la The Imagination Tree. A iesit f faina si a avut mare succes!

And of course, lots of playtime, every day:)
Si ne-am iar ne-am jucat :)


  1. Super faine activitati! Avem si noi Goodnight Moon, si m-ai provocat sa o parcurg si eu cu S. in felul acesta. Ma bucur ca v-au placut jocurile si cartile noastre, spor la joaca si have a lot of fun!

  2. Ce frumooos va jucati! Si ce bine a invatat fonetica!
    Ma bucur ca ai gasit activitati de facut pe Goodnight Moon si ca va este utila ;) Pupici dulci la amandoua!

    1. Multumim, daaaa, i-au placut mult toate cartile!!
