Monday, February 4, 2013

Playing and talking - a mini-interview

Little girl loves playing vet with her toys - actually, if you ask her want she wants to be when she grows up - she's definitely going to reply - animal doctor!
So today she dressed herself up as a doctor, got her gear (stethoscope and throat stick) and went ahead to check the sick cats. And talked ..... and about future plans for herself and for her brother. (Yes, she has a brother, he's 11 years old, and she loves him very much.)

Un mic interviu cu I., de dimineata :) S-a costumat in veterinar (e meseria pe care o sustine deocamdata ca o doreste pentru cand va creste mare.) si a trecut la actiune. Dar a si povestit despre planurile ei de viitor (si ale fratelui ei. Da, I. are un frate mai mare, A.are 11 ani:) )


  1. Ce engleza buna areee! Sa nu fie de deochi!

  2. I este foarte dulce, are o voce calda si un accent perfect! Pupici mari si mici de la noi!
