About Us

Hello and welcome to our blog!
I'm using this blog to share our early learning experiences, especially about raising a child in a multilingual way.
We are Romanians, living in Romania, but I've been raising my 5 and a half yrs old daughter bilingually, in English and Ro since very early. I have written several articles on the blog, including this one (in Romanian, but with links to articles in En), on the benefits of starting teaching foreign languages as early as possible, rather than later.

When my child was 3.5 years old, I slowly added French to our learning schedule, just to get her a bit familiar with the language, not with the purpose of making her trilingual. It turned out she picked up the words quite easily and seemed to particularly enjoy 'breaking down the code' of this new language. She would repeat words and whole sentences from a French cartoon, looking happy to figure out more and more.
Bottom line, 2 years later, now, at 5.5 years old, she's almost fluent in French, with a good accent, perfect able to carry out a half-hour conversation on various topics in French with a native speaker.

When she was 4 years old, my daughter expressed her intent to learn Spanish, too. And she did. Mostly from songs, cartoons and later from the informal Spanish classes she has been attending for a few months now.

Then German was next. And now Russian is on the list.
These 2 languages are the most difficult ones for me to help her with, as I knew little German and Russian none. And now, working with my little one, a few months later, I know a lot more German and a few words in Russian, too!

There are articles on the blog to illustrate our learning journey. You will find resources for language learning, links to Montessori resources, ideas, etc that hopefully will be of help.

I have also added a Videos section where you will find videos of my daughter reading in English, Romanian, etc and speaking in the languages that she knows.


  1. Urmaresc cu interes ce scrii pe blog. Azi este prima data insa cand citesc ca invatati si germana impreuna. Nu gasesc o sectiune separata pt asa ceva si sincera sa fiu sunt foarte interesata. Te rog ghideaza-ma putin. Merci frumos, Madalina

  2. Your daughter is such an inspiration! I really love your blog and I am grateful you are documenting the process. I've really been slack when it comes to languages, but your experience, as well as some of our other early learning friends, is what pushes me to keep trying.

  3. That is really great and inspiring Adina. Thank you very much for sharing. My son is almost 3yo and it is good to see how the older kids are doing :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Buna. De unde si cum incepem? Fata mea cea mica are 9 luni. Eu nu sunt cine stie ce cunoscatoare a limbii engleze. Iti multumesc.
