Monday, September 7, 2015

MonkiSee Baby's First Words - "Todo Sobre Me"

In urma cu cateva luni am primit spre review video-ul "Todo Sobre Me" (All about me/ Totul despre mine) de la MonkiSee, o companie care ofera carti, flashcards si DVD-uri de invatare timpurie. Aceste materiale sunt de folos pentru invatarea culorilor, formelor, animalele, a primelor cuvinte, etc. Pentru cei interesati, compania ofera si materiale pentru invatarea timpurile a cititului, materialele fiind in general dedicate copiilor pana la 5 ani vorbitori de engleza, dar poti fi folosite si pentru invatarea si exersarea primelor notiuni in limba engleza. Pe canalul lor oficial de Youtube se gasesc diverse secvente din DVD-urile lor, de exemplu acest video - Baby's First Words - ajuta sa va faceti o parere despre cum arata aceste materiale.

Asa cum spuneam mai sus, noi am primit spre review video-ul in spaniola "Todo Sobre Me" (All about me/ totul despre mine) - primul DVD tradus in limba spaniola, urmand sa apara si altele.
Mai jos este o secventa din acest film:

I.-na a fost incantata de ce a vazut, i-a parut rau cand s-a terminat, ar fi vrut sa fie mai lung, a cerut in zilele urmatoare sa il revada. Noi l-am folosit mai mult ca recapitulare a cunostintelor ei de limba spaniola, si mai ales pentru exersarea citirii cuvintelor in spaniola.

Despre ce e vorba? Cele doua maimutele, Howie si Skip ii invata pe copii primele cuvinte in limba spaniola, partile corpului etc, practic ii expune pe copii vreme de 30 de minute la limba spaniola, fara a fi folosite si cuvinte in engleza. Este o combinatie draguta de muzica si joaca, jucarii, animale - lucuri de interes pentru copii, nu-i asa? - totul pe ritm de muzica spaniola pentru copii.
Pentru copiii care stiu deja sa citeasca, sau de ce nu, vor sa invete sa citeasca in limba spaniola - cuvintele apar pe ecran cu diferite fonturi si dimensiuni. Cuvintele sunt prezentate mai intai individual si apoi sunt folosite in propozitii complete.

Daca sunteti ca si mine, mereu in cautare de materiale, probabil ca stiti ca in limba spaniola nu se gasesc usor la noi in tara - eu cel putin nu prea gasesc, de aceea ma bucur cand aflu cate ceva nou si de interes, care ne poate ajuta la invatarea limbilor straine, mai ales atunci cand e ceva care place copiilor.
De aceea recomand acest program, l-am testat si I. il recomanda si altor copii :)
Daca va intereseaza, se poate cumpara si ca si download, si il aveti imediat, fara sa mai asteptati dupa DVD.

---- English Version ------

I was happy when we received the MonkiSee Todo Sobre Me new Spanish DVD for review. My 6 years old could use a good review and she would be able to practice her reading in Spanish as well.
She understands and speaks Spanish at a intermediate level, and also wants to read, but we don't have access to many Spanish books, unfortunately.

MonkiSee is a company that offers early learning materials: DVDs, flashcards, books - in English.
And now, they have a Spanish DVD available, as well.

You can watch an introduction to the video below:

I showed my daughter the video and she enjoyed it a lot. And when it was finishes, she said 'I want more!!'
Why? Because Todo Sobre Me has a nice combination of music, play and funny toys that keep the children engaged and learning. Children will like the two monkey puppets - Howie and Skip - and also the Spanish songs and nursery rhymes, just like my daughter did.
Todo Sobre Me teaches the first words in Spanish, the body parts etc, all in a funny, playful way. Words appear on screen as they are introduced individually and then used in complete sentences. Various font types and sizes are used. Children are immersed in the Spanish language, they will hear only Spanish for 30 minutes, during the video.

For my child that was already familiar with Spanish, this was a very good chance to repeat what she may have forgotten, but also to practice reading in Spanish - so we are very grateful for having had the opportunity to review MonkiSee Todo Sobre Me.
It is also recommended for children starting to learn Spanish, to have them exposed to the sounds of the language and teach them the first words in a fun and playful manner.

You may also want to have a look at the other MonkiSee products: reading kits, DVD, flashcards. The DVDs can also be ordered as instant downloads, so you do not have to wait for shipment, etc.

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