Friday, December 14, 2012

Spanish Learning - Salsa TV and a song

I've learned about Salsa TV while browsing through the BrillKids forum. If you have not yet read through this forum, I strongly advise you to have a look. You'll find lots of interesting and innovative information on early education, parents interested in giving their small children a strong educational start, and small kids capable of amazing things!
Going back to Salsa TV, we gave it a try this week, and we're really happy with it! This is a FREE program with a collection of videos (in a Sesame Street manner) that are meant to introduce Spanish language to children. They start with basic notions that are repeated a lot (colors, numbers, basic vocabulary). The immersion method is used, that is, only Spanish is spoken, but the child will understand for sure what's going on.
There are lots of episodes, with well-known stories, such as the first episode - Goldilocks and The Three Bears. Each episode has a pdf transcript with the words/sentences contained, so you can very well reinforce the vocabulary from each episode with your child.
Oh, and did I mention it is FREE?  And here's my 4 year old singing a little song she learned from Speekee - another online program that we reviewed and liked a lot - more details in this post.  
Despre Salsa TV am aflat de pe forumul BrillKids. Eu va sfatuiesc sa aruncati o privire pe acest forum, veti gasi lucruri f interesante, impartasite de alti parinti preocupati de educatia timpurie, lucruri pe care nu veti intalni in alte parti...Eu am fost mereu fascinata de fiecare data cand am inceput sa citesc pe forum ce anume lucreaza alti parinti cu copiii lor, si cate invata copiii mici astfel. 

Dar sa revin. Saptamana aceasta am incercat Salsa TV  si am fost foarte multumiti! E un program de invatare a spaniolei pentru copii, care contine multe episoade in stil teatru de papusi - de fapt in stil Sesame Street - intercalate cu video scurte cu copii sau alte personaje care repeta notiunile invatate. Se pune accent pe invatarea cuvintelor de baza, vocabularul e simplu si repetitiv. I.-nei i-a placut mult, repeta ce vedea acolo.
Episooadele sunt in ordine, primul este Goldilocks and The Three Bears iar urmatoarele episoade reiau notiunile invatate in primele. Se ofera si transcript-ul pdf cu tot ce contine fiecare episod in parte, ceea ce e de folos daca vreti sa repetati notiunile invatate impreuna cu copilul.
A, si am spus ca este Gratuit? 
In incheiere, va las cu un cantecel pe care I. l-a invatat de la Speekee, un al program in limba spaniola pe care noi l-am testat si despre care am mai povestit in aceasta postare.